Tales of the Lost
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Tales of the Lost

The Secret!

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The backfire plan

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1The backfire plan Empty The backfire plan Tue Oct 26, 2010 9:48 pm



Dear Diary,

What the hell is Jane's problem she's all cool one minute and a raving bitch the next....So what else is new I hear you ask well it's this Tristan guy...He seems to have her wound up like a coil and she's ready to fly off the handle even more than usual. I'd say she's got a crush on him but she doesn't have a heart. She can't be that evil and enjoy pain so much and have a heart. If anything she'd like to torture anyone who tries to get too close to her. What is her problem? I've enough crap to deal with myself without worrying about her too.....It's so different now that Sarah is here. Before this, all I would think of is how to help my sister and love her but now suddenly, while I still love her as much, I don't want to help her so much, especially as Master Marcus has instructed me and Felix to protect Sarah as much as we can. It feels strange protecting her from Jane. I don't know how I feel about the situation.. Obviously I have no choice but to do my job.

I heard Jane screaming awhile ago and went along to see what was wrong now and saw Tristan standing in the hallway outside Jane's door.
"What's wrong with Jane?" I asked him.
"I think it's me!" he said. and with that Jane tore open her door and screamed at Tristan

YOU......YOU..... DON'T GIVE YOURSELF sO MUCH CREDIT TRISTAN, BECAUSE YOUR NOTHING TO ME, NOTHING......" He left leaving Jane and me staring at each other. Then it dawned on me my sister, the evil witch's icy heart was starting to melt Ha Ha.....
Jane said "What." I smiled at her and said "why don't you admit you have feelings for him!" At which point she denied it and screamed at me saying she hates him. Oh boy is she in for a surprise when she realises she loves him but because of her usual reaction to push people away when they get too close, that it will be too late. I told this to her but she told me all she needed is me and no-one else. I can't tell her about my feelings at the moment cause she wouldn't be able to understand them so I told her instead that we may not always be together due to battles and things. She was not happy with me at all but charged off looking for Tristan instead.

Later on Master Aro called me in to speak with him. He wants to make it my special mission to spend as much time with Sarah as possible, to find out if she has any intentions of leaving the palace and should she begin to confide in me, I must report to Aro himself personally. I looked at him strangely and he took my hand. "No!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I thought but it was too late. Aro saw all my thoughts I have ever had in that one touch. My secret was out. What would I do now, Jane will hate me and Sarah won't want me near her. I am a disgrace to myself and my family.

"Alec, my dear, don't worry. Alot of feelings have come to light since Sarah has joined us. Feelings that have been buried deep among us all. She seems to enhance all of us whether we have abilities or not. Look at what she has done for my brother, Marcus. Look at what she has done to your sister Jane, she has made her realise she is capable of love. And even yourself, you feel capable of loving someone too even if you haven't worked out whom it is that you love. It's a perfectly normal to feel confused as it's your first time even thinking these thoughts. I am here my boy if you feel the need to talk about your feelings. Do not fear, your secret is safe with me." Aro said.

I was speechless. The looks and words of disgust that I had been unconciously preparing myself for did not come. I went back to my room and decided to come and tell you my new found friend. Oh hang on Jane is screaming again. What now? Tristan? Again? I'll be right back diary.

I ran to Sarah's room to find Felix and Sarah standing in the middle of her room looking shell shocked and I asked what had happened? I was greeted by silence neither one was able to tell me anything so I went out into the hall and listened to see if I could find Jane. I was worried now. What had happened? I found her shivering and shaking by the front door. Her body heaving with dry sobs.

"What the hell is wrong Jane? What happened? Please tell me! You're making me nervous!" I said.
"He's gone! I pushed him too far and now he's gone" she said. I knew instantly who she meant. Sheesh I thought they had sorted this out and decided to give it a go, at least that was the last report I had from Chelsea. Uh Oh I hear Aro screaming for Jane. He sounds pissed off with her. I looked at Jane she seems to have gone into shock. I must take her back to her room if she'll let me take her and find out what the hell caused all this.

I went back to Felix and Sarah after I had brought Jane to her room. Aro has banned her from going out in public until Tristan returns. He wants me and Demitiri to go out and search for him tonight and bring him back. I went to talk to Felix and Sarah to see what happened so I could be in a better position to talk to Tristan tonight when and if we find him. Demitri has his scent from before so tracking him should be no problem.

Demitri called by Sarah's room and he told me to get my things we were going 'vampire hunting'. I laughed cause well, we are vampires all we'ed have to do is look in a mirrror and there we are....anyway after looking away from Demitiri's glare, I went to get my things. Honestly that guy has no sense of humour at all. How did Jane put up with him for so long when they were in England. She must have been itching to send pain his way. But then again for all I knew maybe he liked that. Ha. Anyway we set off on a hunt for Tristan. Demitiri caught his scent the minute we left the palace and we began to track him. Lucky for us it was nighttime so no-one spotted us taking two humans and feasting on them. They were hobo's, lying in the street. No-one would miss them. After we disposed of the bloodless carcasses we carried on, on our quest. So diary I have to put you away now because Aro want's Tristan found as soon as possible. He's afraid for his mind after what happened to him from touching Sarah. It seems that Sarah enhanced his gift and it bounced back on himself. I am dying to hear what becomes of this vampire. Should be interesting.


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