Tales of the Lost
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Tales of the Lost

The Secret!

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1                Martha Empty Martha Sat Mar 26, 2011 4:22 pm



“Brian wants to see you now and he’s cranky” said Sharon, Brian’s right hand woman. I gulped silently wondering what the hell he wanted me for. I’d been here for a few days now and he’d not even looked at me just glared at me. I wondered when he was gonna tell me, what the hell he wanted from me and I was on tenterhooks wondering. If he was anything like Bianca it wouldn’t be pleasant. So I trailed after her and kept my head bowed and stood in front of him. Cockiness was not something that would be in my favour now. I stood in front of him for a few minutes before he even pretended he saw me yet I knew he was aware of me in the room before that. He looked at me out of the side of his eyes when he thought I wouldn’t be able to see him. The look in his eyes chilled me. I kept my mind clear of my fear as he could read my mind. He took his time before addressing me and what he said enraged me to the point of insanity.
“We found your little girlfriend and I just wanted to let you know she’s dead now.” I didn’t think I just reacted, I flew at him and had my hands around his throat in less than a heartbeat and had him pinned to the wall.
“You said you wouldn’t kill her you fucking creep. How could you, is that revenge for killing Bianca? How could you do that me? I’m here aren’t I you said you’d leave her alone. You may as well kill me now because my life is over.” Lottie was dead and I lost all of my fight. I dropped to my knees in front of him crippled by the pain of loss shooting through my body as he straightened up and I felt myself being lifted off my knees and flung against the opposite wall but I didn’t care I felt nothing now my Lottie was gone. All fight and life had drained out of me.
“Don’t ever touch me again Bastien how fucking dare you even think you could” Brian said inches away from my face. He looked into my dead eyes and saw he was wasting his time. My insides had crumbled into a sobbing mess on the floor I didn’t even realise I was still in the same room as anyone else. I was trapped in my mind as the horrific images of Brian killing my beloved Lottie filled my mind, knowing her attempts to save herself would be useless, he was so strong.
“Listen you little shit, she was getting too close to finding us. Sticking her little human nose into my business, just what I needed a fucking lynch mob sneaking around trying to make trouble for us. Nosy little bitch…………!” I didn’t react for a bit still lost in my agony wishing he’d just kill me and be done without it. I felt like my heart and soul had just been ripped out of my body. I felt like I couldn’t breathe. Then some of his words filtered into my mind and I started to think about what he’d just said. HUMAN NOSE? What?
“What do you mean? I asked him.
“That little slut Martha McGregor has been nosing around here inquiring about you and I can’t have your random sluts causing grief to me cause you eat, shoot and leave them behind!” He said like he was twisting a knife into my heart. Feelings started to rush back into my heart and soul and I had to hold my breath not to burst out laughing at him. I kept my head bowed like I was still grieving and then I managed to say with great difficulty not to laugh, mind you the shaking shoulders would have looked like I was sobbing internally,
“Oh, kill me now I can’t stand it any longer.” Knowing he wouldn’t.
“No, you killed Bianca and she was a great little hunter, you’re gonna take her place. And earn my respect.”
“Nooooooooooooooooooo” I said, “Kill me now. I can’t live without my Martha!”
“Tough!” he laughed cruelly.
“Where is she?”
“At home!”
“Can I go to her or will you stop me doing that too? I want to bury her or did you do that too?”
“The little slut deserves that I suppose.” And he laughed at me again harshly thinking I was suffering and waved me away with a flick of his hand like I was a pest bothering him. Then he called me and told me to make sure and come back again or he’d come looking for me and next time he’d do it personally.
I took off and ran out of the house and tore off in the direction of Martha’s house but as I was passing a house about 10 miles from Brian’s territory I smelled her at a little run down house that looked like it was boarded up and abandoned. So I followed her scent and when I got in through the window, the boards on the window not even stopping me for a second as I crushed my way through it. I found myself in a pretty, clean house. There were no pictures or furniture there but it had a clean feeling about it. Until I got upstairs that is. There was a small room with the window open; the curtains were billowing in the breeze and what few bits of furniture were upside down and scattered like a fight had broken out or a death. I did feel a twinge of regret. The poor girl was trussed up like a maiden asleep like that fairy tale with a posy of blood red flowers in her hands. There were bruises all over her face e and arms. She had been battered to death and then dickied up to look like she was still asleep. The look of pain evident on her face. I felt really bad for her then. She didn’t deserve to die so brutally never mind that she didn’t deserve to die at all, but because she had been connected to me Brian thought it would be a lovely lesson to me in order to keep his thumb over me so I’d do his bidding. I was sitting on the bed and rubbing her face and talking to her and apologising when I heard a little noise behind me. I got up instantly ready to defend myself in case Brian had sent spies to follow me in case I decided that my life was really over and tried to run away. I wouldn’t put it past him. There was no-one there. I felt that maybe I was losing my mind a little bit. Leaving Lottie had killed me a lot just seeing the pain in her eyes even though she had tried to hide it. But I was one more betrayal to add to her list and I knew it and it killed me to leave her. Brian must never know about her unless he already did and was just playing with my mind and had planned on killing her too. Oh God had he heard my thoughts when I thought it was Lottie that had been killed? I doubt it I was so lost I doubt anyone could hear my thoughts including myself. God I hope not. I’d have to be careful in future and not think about her at all in his presence. I don’t trust him at all.
I heard the noise again kind of like a shuffling noise. I paused and listened and then noticed a little opening in the bottom of one of the walls. I wondered was it a trap for me. It was made to look as if it was part of the wall but I noticed upon further inspection that it was a little doorway. I pulled the little door off the hinges hearing it squeak slightly in protest. I got down on my knees and looked in and got the biggest shock of my life when I saw two little eyes looking back at me blinking as the sudden light filling the little secret compartment. I jumped backwards when I heard a little voice saying “hi” to me. I wondered again how anyone could fit inside this little cubby hole.
“Come out slowly and I won’t hurt you” I said feeling a little braver now that the voice seemed so young.
“You’ll have to lift me out as I can’t walk.” I wondered about that but put my hands inside the cubby hole anyway and felt around until they touched a small bundle. I carefully pulled it out of the hole and was stunned to look into the most beautiful chocolate brown eyes and a little smile that showed a perfect set of white teeth. I nearly dropped the baby. She had a little look of fear in her eyes and at that moment I’d give anything for her to look like a regular baby cause she was really creeping me out. I wondered why she reminded me of someone, someone that I couldn’t place and then I thought DUH! She must be Martha’s kid. She smiled at me and I looked at her in silence.
“My name is Vera and you’ll bring somewhere safe. Some man came and killed my mommy and I had to be very quiet or I’d be dead too.” I nodded not trusting myself to speak. So sorry this poor little kid had to hear her mother die and it was all because of me. I didn’t know how to react or what to say, if only Lottie were here, she’d know what to do, I thought sadly, remembering my parting words to Lottie about how her not being able to kill human kids was messing with my head, yet here I have a little baby girl in my arms and I couldn’t even think of killing her. It tore at something deep inside of me. I felt that urge to protect her at all costs. She ordered me to write a letter and dictated to me exactly what to write, all about her history and about her mother’s sacrifice for her own life. About the love her mother had for her. Then she told me what to get in preparation of her departure. I held her to her mother as she nestled against her hard cold bruised face and chest and said so sadly “goodbye”. It tore at me again and I touched her mother’s head and kissed her goodbye too. Vera asked me to come back and bury her mother when she was safely gone.
“Do you want me to burn the house too?” I asked her surprised that she’d trust me to bury her mother.
“No, she said vehemently, leave it standing; reminder to my evil grandmother who was such a cow when she found out my mother was pregnant. She wanted her to get an abortion but she couldn’t and she ran away to protect me. Images of Lottie and her baby Ruby flooded my mind as Lottie was just as protective. I longed to hold Lottie in my arms and hold her tightly to me and tell her I loved her. I could taste the sensations I wanted so badly but knew I’d blown my chances with her forever. I felt as if a huge weight had lifted off my shoulders knowing that Lottie was still alive somewhere even if she did hate me now. I continued off in the direction Vera was telling me to go in. We ended up in a little cave near a beach. I started to refuse but she told me it was okay, her new mommy was on the way and that she will be a great mommy and she’d be safe. She had dreamt it. She even dreamt about her mother’s death and had instructed her to put her in the cubby hole. Martha didn’t even know the cubby hole was there.
“We said our goodbyes and I told her death would be brutal but not in vain. She had barely closed the door when the man with the scar had come in and pushed her against the wall and whispered in an evil voice to say goodbye to the world.” Vera didn’t go into the details of her mother’s murder but I knew exactly who she was talking about, the killer, the man with the scar I decided then and there that Maurice would die a painful death too. I could bide my time. I kissed Vera’s head and said good luck to her that I had to go away before Brian’s spies caught up with me. He’d figure out that Vera was special so I had to get away fast. I had to clear my mind of Vera and filled it instead with images of Martha as I was sadly burying her, leaving the house unburned as requested. I took the flowers that had be crudely stuck in her hands and threw them far away from her and put some fresh gardenia’s that were growing nearby on the grave instead. I chatted to Martha as I covered her battered body in earth and apologised again for the brutal murder she had to go through and hoped she could forgive me and that her secret was safe with me. I said a few prayers by her grave like I’d done with my own parents. As I was walked to Brian’s home at human speed, I didn’t want to get there too early; I began to think about how I’d met Martha. I had been walking around deeply depressed after accidentally killing my parents. I noticed this really pretty girl walking along the road. For some reason she caught my eye and so I stopped to help her. She was carrying some heavy shopping bags on her bicycle that had a flat tyre. My parents raised me to be a gentleman that natural instinct kicked in and made me offer to help her. She was so kind to me and when she realised I had nowhere to go she offered me to stay at her place. One day her mother came in and caught us in bed together and hunted me and I was ordered not to come near her again unless I wanted to hurt Martha. Her mother was a real tyrant. I tried to hang around for a while just to see if she was ok but she wasn’t allowed out at all. Everything was brought into her. I’d see her sitting crying at the window pitifully and it broke my heart to see her like that. I got up to her window one night and asked her to come with me even though I was no good for her. Her mother must have been outside the door listening as she came barging in and shoved me off the window ledge obviously not caring if she killed me or not. Of course I disappeared and that freaked out the mother as there was no body and I had fallen 3 floors but she just didn’t care. I thought about ‘haunting’ the mother to freak her out but figured that would only get Martha in trouble more so I eventually left. I never heard from her again until I was told by Brian that she was dead. I felt that I had to go and pay Mrs McGregor a little visit. She needed to pay for making Martha so afraid of her.
I wondered how Martha’ had been so brave against her tyrant mother when she was pregnant. I wondered how another man had gotten close enough to get her pregnant. A thought crossed my mind at that thought and I shook my head trying to do the math. A sudden cold shiver ran through my body like a ripple. VERA IS MY DAUGHTER! Oh my god I’m a dad. That made me run all the harder as the joy and pain of being a dad who couldn’t be there for his girlfriend or little girl hit me like a ton of blocks. I marched up to the door of the McGregor’s household and demanded to see the lady that ran the household, BITCH more like but I had to pretend. I was directed into the parlour. Then the tyrant marched in and demanded to know what I was doing here, hadn’t I caused enough damage to her family, that I had soiled her daughter and the little bitch had run off to protect my demon seed. She had known what I was all along that I was a vampire. I demanded to know how she had known.
“Her belly blew up too fast; I had known there were rumours of vampires in the area, people going missing and such stories so when I pushed you off the window and when there was no sign of your body I added the two together. I had to keep you away from her; your baby would kill her. “
“What do you care, you controlled her life like a tyrant, she hated you.”
“Ya I had to cause she was cursed and an innocent until you screwed that up. She needed to marry into nobility for her curse to be ignored.”
“What curse?” I demanded standing inches away from her ugly head. I was getting ready to break her neck.
“She dreamt things that came true.” She replied nastily.
“She was never wrong. She freaked me out. She told me she was gonna die for having the baby but she didn’t care.” I stared at her for a long minute before I killed her then and broke her neck and pushed her on the floor like she fallen. I set it up to look that way and then called the maid In, pretending to be upset that the lady of the house had fallen and wasn’t moving to call for the doctor. I left quickly then and ran back to Brian’s house. As I walked in the door Brian sneered at me
“Bury your little girlfriend did ya!” I nodded my head not trusting my anger and reaction to him. His head shot up and he glared at me as he closed the distance and leaned up close to my face threateningly with his own face.
“How do you know the man with scar did this? Who told you?” he demanded. This confirmed the story of Maurice killing her. I evenly replied
“I smelled his scent around the doorway; why else would he go there?”
“Well, she’s just a little human, what you getting pissy with me for? It’s not like you cared for her really anyway, you left her!” Maurice said as he walked past me and went to press Brian’s hand to his head – a sign of respect. Ppppft respect my ass. I thought to myself. Brian’s head shot up again and demanded I explain my last thought.
“He killed her slowly.”
“How do you know he killed her slowly?”
“Because” I said through clenched teeth “if he had just gone and broken her neck that would be forgivable but her whole body was covered in cuts and bruises and her pain was evident in her face. She didn’t deserve to die at all. He enjoyed killing her.”
“He’s a fucking vampire not a pussy like you that’s what we do, kill other vampires.”
“Ya vampires, not human females. She was good to me. She had a shit life and then to be so brutally murdered was the final insult” I said glaring hatred towards to Maurice.
“Watch your back Maurice. I’ll get you for this.”
“We’ll see” was his reply and then he and Brian looked at each other and burst out laughing in a cruel way just to upset me further. I walked out of the room, expecting Brian to call me back telling me I had to get permission to leave. I was upset, I was livid with Maurice and started to plan on how to get rid of him once and for all but it was gonna be hard cause he had Brian backing him.


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