Tales of the Lost
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Tales of the Lost

The Secret!

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1WELL, THATS UNEXPECTED... Empty WELL, THATS UNEXPECTED... Tue Mar 01, 2011 9:13 pm



April 3rd, 2011
Alright, so its been pretty gross around her for the past week and a half. The wives have been "savoring every moment" with their husbands. That means intimate activities and a lot of alone time for me. The good news is: Jordan left! Yes!
The bad news is: she's back. She went to Washington to get Alice and Bella so she could get a baby. I don't know why she wants one and I agree with Valentina that some people in this house don't like the idea of a human baby around.
Faine hasn't talked to me, much less looked at me, so I guess she is planning my death to happen soon. Sounds wonderful. Blissful silence and peace, no Jordan, no more thoughts or regrets. Regrets. Only two. That I couldn't save my daughter and that I killed a human as wonderful as Johanna. Its alright, I'll take care of that soon enough. I'll rot forever in Hell for what I've done. I would gladly taken an eternity of torture and heat if it would make Catia and Johanna happy.
I got angry and decided that since I was going to die soon, I should at least spare these people the horror of having to look at my heart. I grab the disgusting, useless thing and slash open my chest. I'll spare you the gory details of how I got it to stay there. The point is that the god forsaken thing is back in my chest. It feels all tight and stuffy there now. Yuck!
Josh comes in, "I smelled blood."
"It was my own. Don't worry," I say annoyed.
I grab some cash that I won't use and shove my way past him.
"Where are you going?" He asks following me.
"None of your business." I slam the door in his face and take off running. A couple hours later, after much running and much hitch hiking, I find myself walking on the beaches of Spain. I steal a hat from some punk kid and shove him into the sand. Hands in my pockets, I walk in the surf and observe.

See the people laugh and joke.
See them cry and weep.
See them sleep and dream.
Or see them thrash and kill.
Completely oblivious they are, to anything but their desires.
Living a life of make believe, dreaming dreams of truth. They don't know that up is up or down is down. They don't know what walks with them, what murders their children, grandchildren, mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers.

All the women lying on beach towels and men playing catch, boys in their shorts and women in their bikinis. The sun beats down hard and the waves crash and break against the shore. For every break of a wave, a life is taken. Most of them by me. Do you think the devil should hire me to kill for him? That should be my chosen profession: assassin hired by the devil. I think I would do well.
I continue just wondering and watching people, after all, time has no value to me.
Soon, I see a boardwalk in front of me. People walking on it, laughing, chatting. And-
-no! It isn't possible! She is-! She can't be-! But I killed her! Her long blonde hair flows down her back and over her bare shoulders. Her strapless white cotton dress flutters in the wind as she turns. Her eyes meet mine and she smiles, at recognizing me. I am being pulled in. That smile. Those eyes. I take my hat off, smile, and bow. I am about to run to her when I see some guy come up to her. He kisses her cheek and she laughs. Before I know what is happening, I am running back in the opposite direction. Back to Ireland.
I stop running and walk through the woods. Oh my god! How can she be alive?! I never- never imagined that this would happen. That this could happen. I have to tell them, they have to know! I think.
I wasn't prepared for what happened next. Somebody dropped on top of me and wrapped their hands around my neck. I ram the person into a tree and flip him off my back. Oh! Its Faine!
"Faine! Stop!" She lunges at my throat again.
Why does she choose now to kill me?!
I try to run but she grabs onto my arm and wraps her legs around me.
"Faine! No!"
She grabs my head and is about to twist.
"Faine! She's alive!" She freezes and that's all it takes for me to throw her off. She stands in front of me, hands still ready to end my life.
"Gabriel, who is alive?"
"She is! Its her! Faine, I thought I killed her!"
"Wait. Tell me, Gabriel. Who is alive?" She asks.
I pause.



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