Tales of the Lost
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Tales of the Lost

The Secret!

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1           I ACCEPT Empty I ACCEPT Sat Jan 08, 2011 10:16 am



Dear Diary,
Jasper, Emmet and Edward went out hunting with cute little Nessie! I love her so much! She is the cutest baby ever J Well, this is my first alone time for a while. Bella and Esme think something is wrong with me since I haven’t demanded to dress Bella up yet but I swear I am perfectly fine! I just feel like a vision is coming but it’s all Jacob’s fault that I can’t see! That it can’t just come to me while playing dress up with Bella! So here I am calming myself down by writing in you and re-organizing all my shoes by color! Eeep! It makes me so happy!
My vision finally came!!! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay!
I see a whole group of friends living in this cute little house in Ireland. All of them are couples and OMG! One of the girls just got engaged! Awww! I remember when Jazz and I got engaged… I remember all our weddings! Oh, Um, sorry for getting off track, that happens a lot. So, all of her friends are trying to plan a wedding for her but they aren’t doing a good job (It’s extremely obvious!).
Ohmigawd! I just realized why I had the vision!!! I am supposed to help them! I am supposed to plan the wedding!! YES!!!!! (These people OBVIOUSLY have good taste!) I wonder if they know who I am?? Oh, well, Felix was there so he knows me. I came up with the executive decision that I will accept the challenge of planning the bride-to-be the perfect wedding! Of course, Jasper has to come with me, he is my husband and my friend and my son and my mentor all rolled into one! I’ll ask if Edward and Bella would like to come to. Unfortunately my man is still out hunting (that’s okay, he needs his strength) so I’ll just start packing my things. I plan to leave as soon as possible! Oh, Im so excited for this!!
I shall be back in a flash, literally. I have to pack my clothes and purses and shoes and accessories and of course my wedding planning kit! After Bella’s wedding I started imagining another for me and Jasper, just the family of course! Lol
Alright, I have all my stuff packed in my Luis Vuiton suitcases! I have a traveling bag to get to Ireland, One for sun dresses, one for elegant dresses, one for casual outfits, one for nice wedding planner outfits, One for shoes, one for accessories and one for all my wedding planning stuff! ……..Oh! Yeah, I almost forgot, and a little Coach duffel for Jazz.
I decided that while Im at it, I might as well pack Bella’s things (I would pack Edward’s but he set down a law about 50 years ago saying I wasn’t allowed to pack for him..) Oh, Bella! She started growling at me every time I pack more than one bag for her and if I pack more than one fancy thing for her. Im just trying to make her look nice! Tell me, Diary, is that really such a bad thing I do? I don’t mean any harm…I just think it’s nice for her to look respectable and elegant…and NOT like such a human! With those slouchy jeans and annoying shoes!! Ggrrrrrrr!!! There is NOTHING worse than ugly shoes!!
Oh, okay! It’s show time! The boys and Renesme are home!
“Aunt Alice!” Nessie cried as she jumped up into my arms.
“Hey, superstar! How was hunting?”
Nessie put her hand on my cheek and I saw her battling the boys for a deer.
“That’s my girl!” I smiled at her.
“No, that’s my girl!” Bella smiled as Nessie was transferred into her arms.
“So who got the bigger deer?” Esme asked strolling into the room.
Nessie leaned towards Esme and placed her hand on her cheek, “She did.” Esme laughed.
“Looks like your losing your touch, Jasper.” I smiled and got onto my tiptoes. That’s a sign that I want jasper to lean down and give me a long kiss.
“You might be right, Darlin’, but I don’t mind losing my touch to a pretty little lady like Nessie.” he winked at her and Nessie giggled.
Bella crossed the room in a flash to stand by Edward, he bent down and Kissed Bella’s nose then kissed Nessie’s cheeks.
“So, ah, Edw-”
“Alice! No!” His head snapped up.
“You didn’t even hear what I had to say!!” I wailed.
He tapped his head, “Read your mind.”
“No.” Edward repeated.
“I NEED to-”
“You don’t need anything Alice.”
Jasper slipped his arm around my waist and I curled into him.
“What does she want, Edward?” Jasper said in his southern drawl. Yum! I LOVE his voice! When he talks to only me, slow and sweet, I feel so close to being able to fall asleep. It’s like my own personal lullaby. So soft, and warm, and delicious, and inviting!
“She wants to go to a house in Ireland and help members of the Volturri plan a wedding.” Edward said skeptically.
The entire family, even Carlisle who just walked in, looked at me like I was crazy.
“Darlin’-” Jasper began.
I backed away from him and against a wall, “Don’t you ‘Darlin’ me, Jasper Whitlock!” I stepped towards Edward and Bella got out of the way.
This is a battle between me and Edward, and I WILL win!
“They are EX members of the Volturri, Smartypants!”
“It doesn’t matter, Alice. They could always go back.”
“No they can’t! The Volturri are dead!” I yelled.
The house got silent. Carlisle exchanged a glance with Edward.
“Are you sure?” Bella asked.
“Of course I am sure! My visions never lie!” They all stared at me, “Well, okay, sometimes they are a bit wrong but this time is different!” Edward sighed and looked away, “Don’t do that to me, Edward! It’s just a wedding! This girl needs my help! I can’t let her wedding suck, it would kill me if I was the cause of a horrible wedding!”
“You definitely cause an interesting wedding,” Rosalie mumbled. I glared at her, “Kidding.” She put her hands up as a sign of surrender.
“Sweetheart, it’s not safe.” Jasper was really playing up his southern accent and he put on that sweet, adorable.. inviting, bright- errr, I mean cocky, tilted smile!
“Yes it is! And Im going! My bags are already packed and in the car.”
“Alice, wait. If you insist on going then let us come with you to protect you. They are vegetarians, right?” He shifted his eyes to Nessie.
“How about Nessie stays here with Grandpa Carlisle and Grandma Esme?” I shriek happily to her.
She giggles with delight and wriggles out of Bellas arms and up towards Carlisle and Esme.
“They aren’t vegetarians?” Edward has his angry glare of death.
“Sort of. New to the vegetarian lifestyle.”
Edward sighed and Bella spoke up, “Okay, Alice. Let us pack some stuff and then we can go to-?”
“Ireland.” I shrieked happily, “And I already packed for everyone. The only one I didn’t was for Edward.” Edward stormed out of the house probably to go to the cottage. Bella ran after him.
“Great, Now they’re never leaving!” Emmet muttered.
Rosalie, Jasper and I looked at him.
“What? I just hope that house is sturdy.” He smiled.


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