Tales of the Lost
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Tales of the Lost

The Secret!

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I will figure out the date soon.
Time has stopped. Time has no value anymore. Not like it every did. For as long as I can remember I’ve been waiting to die, or waiting to live, or waiting for an answer which would never come. My first sunrise and sunset have molded into one huge sunrise and sunset, a never ending occurrence. Being a vampire, nothing is ever a surprise, and nothing ever ends. The only thing that I dream about missing is my last sunset. I get a first, and billions of others…but never a last.
I spent the entire morning walking towards a village and now I’ve finally reached a house. A 30-year old woman inside and 2 younger children. I set my objects down outside the house and kick open the door.
“’Hunny, Im home.’” I smile.
The woman drops her cooking pot and the children scream.
“’Ajutor! Cineva de ajutor! Cine esti tu? Ce faci aici?‘” (Help! Someone help! Who are you? What are you doing here?) She shouts at me.
I walk into the room and stroll through the kitchen. I can only imagine how good the food must smell to the family, but to me it smells repulsive.
“’Stop strigând! Acesta iti va face nici un bine. Eu pot ucide tine si familia ta înainte de a deschide gura din nou.‘” (Stop shouting! It will do you no good. I can kill you and your family before you open your mouth again.)
She clamped her mouth shut and put her arms around her two boys.
I pick up a giant kitchen knife and saunter over to the boys, “’Bună ziua acolo. Cum să vă spun despre mama ta să meargă-mi nişte haine şi nişte bani?‘” (Hello there. How about you tell your mother to go get me some clothes and some money?).
The older boy pulled his mother into the back.
“’Tu acolo. Care este data?‘” (You there. What is the date?) I question the small boy.
“’Februarie al cincilea rând, domnule.‘” (February 5th, sir.) He stammered.
“’Shit! I can’t believe I was there for three months! It only felt like three days.’” I mumbled under my breath.
“’Domnule,’” The little boy yanked on my pants, “’Ai de gând să ne omoare?’” (Sir, Are you going to kill us?) He asked.
I sighed and looked at the knife in my right hand, “’Nu încă.’” (Not today.)
The woman and older son return with a pile of clothes and a lot of cash.
“’I will spare your lives since you cooperated.’” I turn to the door and before I exit I turn around, “’Oh, I almost forgot.’” I aim and throw the knife.
The woman screams and turns her head to the side and looks at the knife now embedded in her wall. When she and her sons look up, I am gone.
I have the clothes she gave me on, the money in my pockets ($1,000) and my paintings and containers under my arms.. I run into town and to the post office.
“’English?’” I ask the guy at the counter.
He rolls his eyes, “’Yes.’”
“’Good. I need you to wrap these paintings and send them to this address,’” I write down the address of the house in Ireland, “’in a month and a half.’”
The guy takes my paintings, looks at the one of me and stares with wide eyes.
“’I take it you hate your job? That it’s boring? You want to kill yourself, don’t you?’” I ask.
He looks close to tears and finally they fall. Crap! I was just joking!
“’Your right! So, so right! This is a boring job and I have a boring life!’” He grabs onto my shirt, “’You have no idea how many times I’ve tried to kill myself but it backfired!’”
I only meant to scare him, I swear! His explanation hits close to home though. I remember a Russian boy that had just married and played Russian roulette.
I lean in close and whisper, “’I can make you feel better.’”
“’How? Are you a drug dealer?’”
I laugh full outright. Drugs! That’s a new one.
“’Meet me out back in three.’” With that, I turn and walk out of the postal office.
Three minutes later, the guy is walking down the alley to meet me in the dark.
“’You got money?’” I ask him.
He fans out some cash, “’You got the drugs?’”
I take the money and count it, “’No. I got something better. But it’s going to cost more than four hundred dollars.’” I glare down at the little man.
He grumbles angrily then hands me four hundred more dollars. Where a postal man gets this kind of money I have no idea, and as long as the money is in my hand I don’t care.
“’So where is this ‘better-than-drugs’ drug?’” the grumpy man asked.
“’Close your eyes.’” He obeyed, “’And don’t scream.’”
I leaned towards his neck and bit right in. But instead of releasing my venom I release ecstasy. I have smelt his blood, it’s repulsive and bitter, so I will not drink it. I don’t swallow, I only inject.
I release as much ecstasy into him as I think it’s possible for a human to handle.When his heart rate slowed drastically, I dropped him to the ground and walked
away. Someone would find him eventually.
I stole some kid’s backpack and shoved the ashes and my heart into it. I ran all the way to the nearest airport and got on the first flight out: to India.
I have a plan to spread all of Kali’s ashes about the world so they can not possibly ever be united. I know it’s not possible for her to come back by having ashes re-joined but, Kali isn’t just any vampire. And I can’t take any chances.
The plane has landed and I get off. I casually stroll through the airport and catch transportation out into the middle of nowhere. This is kind of morbid, I know, but whatever, I am a morbid person.
I knock on a door, “’Excuse me, do you speak English?’”
The man nods.
“’Well, I am quite sorry that I have to be the one to tell you this, but your great aunt has passed away.’” The man puts his hand over his mouth and in the back of his home I hear his wife start crying, “’It was her last wish to be cremated. And I am here to deliver her ashes to you.’” I pull out one of the containers and hand it to him.
He cradles it to his chest.
“’Okay. So, again I am sorry for your loss but I got to go. Enjoy those ashes, buddy, and be careful not to let them out of your sight.’” I wink at him, turn around and walk back the other way.
“’ Wait! Wait!’” He calls after me, “’That way is a desert! You will not find another house that way!’”
“’I know.’” I mutter.
The man keeps screaming after me but I continue walking away and into the desert. Eventually, I just drop to my knees and dig out a grave for myself.
The plane has landed and I get off. I casually stroll through the airport and catch transportation out into the middle of nowhere. This is kind of morbid, I know, but whatever, I am a morbid person.
I knock on a door, “’Excuse me, do you speak English?’”
The man nods.
“’Well, I am quite sorry that I have to be the one to tell you this, but your great aunt has passed away.’” The man puts his hand over his mouth and in the back of his home I hear his wife start crying, “’It was her last wish to be cremated. And I am here to deliver her ashes to you.’” I pull out one of the containers and hand it to him.
He cradles it to his chest.
“’Okay. So, again I am sorry for your loss but I got to go. Enjoy those ashes, buddy, and be careful not to let them out of your sight.’” I wink at him, turn around and walk back the other way.
“’ Wait! Wait!’” He calls after me, “’That way is a desert! You will not find another house that way!’”
“’I know.’” I mutter.
The man keeps screaming after me but I continue walking away and into the desert. Eventually, I just drop to my knees and dig out a grave for myself.
I have felt so many things in my lifetime, anger, sadness, pain, thirst, power, but now I don’t feel anything at all. It’s like someone flipped a switch. I could care less about how fast I get somewhere, I have forever to get to that place, right? Has my whole life been working towards this one moment? Was that always my destiny, to feel nothing in the end? Or was it my destiny to feel so much at one time that eventually I would feel nothing because there isn’t anything left to feel?
Is there nothing left in this world for me? Nothing surprises me, nothing gives me pleasure or feeling. Am I obsolete? Have I finally seen too much of the world or caused too much of it’s grief?
No man should have the power to live forever. No one deserves to see all that will be and all that has changed the world. The only person who should see such things is God. But if that were true, then why has he not stricken the vampires from his world? Since we still walk, we must have some purpose, some grand adventure to fulfill. That purpose is not to balance the population, I know that. A bomb or a war could do that. No, there are very few who can do the things that we can do, or see what we can see, and so does that make us better than the humans? We know their mistakes we’ve seen them over time, yet, we make those same mistakes ourselves.
I used to call myself a God and insist that I wouldn’t bow to Him…but now I am not so sure. Or maybe I am sure?
God has the same strengths and even greater as us vampires do, and humans often wonder why God didn’t save their family or stop the disease from taking hold. What if Vampires are the mini-Gods placed on Earth to protect the people? Is that even possible? It’s just a theory of mine, but then, why would a king ally himself with snarling, killing, monstrous beasts? He could do much better than my kind, but he loves all, even those sent from Hell, doesn’t He?
Maybe Vampires are meant to protect humans, not destroy them…we have just lost our way and been thwarted by the darkness…..but haven’t all people been tempted by sin?

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